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NHS-funded support for long-term care
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NHS continuing healthcare is a program that provides free health care for people with long-term complex health needs. This care can be provided in various places outside the hospital, like your home or a care home.
If you’re an adult and have needs that can’t be met by regular or specialist services due to disability, accident, or illness, you might be eligible for this program. Children and young people may receive a similar package of care.
Your eligibility is determined by a team of healthcare professionals who assess your care needs. They consider the type of help you need, the complexity and intensity of your needs, and how unpredictable they are. Your eligibility isn’t based on any specific diagnosis or condition, and it may change if your needs change.
You should be involved in the assessment process and your views should be taken into account. If you’re not eligible for NHS continuing healthcare, you might still be eligible for support from your local council. If you have some health needs, the NHS might pay for part of your care, known as a “joint package” of care.
The assessment process can be complex, but you can get free independent advice from an organization called Beacon.
The NHS organizations that commission local health services, known as Integrated Care Boards (ICBs), must assess you for NHS continuing healthcare if you might need it. Most people first go through an initial checklist assessment to see if they need a full assessment. If you need care urgently, your assessment might be fast-tracked.
The initial checklist assessment can be completed by a healthcare professional or social worker. You’ll be told if you’re being assessed and what it involves. Depending on the outcome, you’ll either be told that you’re not eligible for a full assessment, or you’ll be referred for one. Being referred doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be eligible for NHS continuing healthcare.
The professionals completing the checklist should record their decision in writing and give you a copy. Full assessments are undertaken by a team of at least two professionals from different healthcare professions.
For more information or a conversation with a certified Quality Care Advisor at Network Healthcare simply reach out to a friendly consultant near you by following the following link.